Indian Arrival Day





The First Indian's Arrival in1845 on the Fatal Razack

Our ancestors are now history that's a fact

In the days of slavery they knew

How hardship and pain would grew

They had the task of planting sugar cane

and in the muddy Lagoons planted rice grains.


Yes they came and worked like slaves

We are the future sons and daughters so brave

Those were the days of feet in chains

The marks of lashes that still remain

Clothes were washed on the river bank

Rubbing them above the stone half sank.


With a beautiful evening flambeau light

That gave us day in the night

Food was cooked on a fireside

A place with comfort and pride

Houses's were built with mud and grass

Those were the days of our past.


Mr. Sadhu Sonnylal, survivor of the past

Instills in us an example to last

What he knew and saw in his time

Is lost in today's wave of crime.


Poem  By Shairoon Mohammed Sookdeo.













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